Hosting Blazor WebAssembly in Nginx

By Endy Tjahjono. Last update 07 Sep 2020.

If you publish a blazor webassembly project, you will get a bunch of files. These files can be hosted in any web servers that can serve static files, theoretically. I tried Nginx as the server and these are my notes to make it work.

Suppose I have copied the blazor files into /var/www/myblazorapp/ directory and I want to serve it at url Let’s add the configuration to /etc/nginx/conf.d/wwwmydomaincom.conf:

server {
	listen 80;
	listen [::]:80;

	location /myblazorapp/ {
		root /var/www;

The relationship between the location path and the root path confused me for a long time. At first I thought they were not related so I put /myblazorapp/ as location and /var/www/myblazorapp as root. This didn’t work. Nginx put the location path after the root path to generate the actual path. If location is /myblazorapp/ and root is /var/www/myblazorapp then the generated path is /var/www/myblazorapp/myblazorapp/, which is wrong.

Test the configuration with sudo nginx -t. If the configuration is ok ask Nginx to reload: sudo nginx -s reload. Then open with a browser. The blazor’s index.html should load.

There are some improvements that can be made to this configuration:

One. Nginx should send the correct Content-Type for each file. Content-Type of blazor.webassembly.js should be application/javascript, app.css should be text/css, etc. By default the Nginx root configuration /etc/nginx/nginx.conf should already have these two lines: include /etc/nginx/mime.types; and default_type application/octet-stream;. This covers most MIME types. But there is one MIME type missing, for dotnet.wasm Content-Type should be application/wasm. We can add the type in nginx.conf:

	types {
		application/wasm wasm;

Or in the wwwmydomaincom.conf (but we have to repeat the include mime and default type lines):

server {
	listen 80;
	listen [::]:80;

	location /myblazorapp/ {
		root /var/www;

		include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
		types {
			application/wasm wasm;
		default_type application/octet-stream;

Two. Since blazor uses history.pushState instead of hash based routing, we need to redirect unknown paths to index.html. We can do this in Nginx using try_files:

server {
	listen 80;
	listen [::]:80;

	location /myblazorapp/ {
		root /var/www;
		try_files $uri $uri/ /myblazorapp/index.html =404;

Note on the try_files path: it also uses the root path. It ignores the location path. So if location is /myblazorapp/ and root is /var/www and try_files is /index.html then the generated path is /var/www/index.html. In this case try_files should be /myblazorapp/index.html.

Once you added try_files try to browse to the about page ( or other subpage in the blazor app, and then refresh the browser. The blazor app should not give 404 error.

Three. Another improvement is compression. In the published blazor folder there is a _framework folder. Within the folder you can see three versions of each file. For example there is blazor.webassembly.js (uncompressed), (brotli compressed), and blazor.webassembly.js.gz (gzip compressed). The size difference is quite significant, uncompressed blazor.webassembly.js is 60KB while the gzip compressed one is 15KB. Wouldn’t it be nice if Nginx can serve the gzip compressed version if the browser asked? It will reduce the amount of data transferred and also reduce the load time in the browser. You can enable ‘static compression’ in Nginx with gzip_static:

server {
	listen 80;
	listen [::]:80;

	location /myblazorapp/ {
		root /var/www;

		location /myblazorapp/_framework/ {
			gzip_static on;

Since blazor provides compressed versions only on files within _framework folder, we can’t turn on gzip_static on the whole folder. We turn it on only on /myblazorapp/_framework folder and down.

So to combine all the improvements, the wwwmydomaincom.conf file with MIME type, redirect to index, and compression:

server {
	listen 80;
	listen [::]:80;

	location /myblazorapp/ {
		root /var/www;
		try_files $uri $uri/ /myblazorapp/index.html =404;

		include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
		types {
			application/wasm wasm;
		default_type application/octet-stream;

		location /myblazorapp/_framework/ {
			gzip_static on;

Using Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.1, Nginx 1.14.0, Ubuntu 18.04.5.

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